Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This Way of Life

Canadian cinematographer Thomas Burstyn makes his feature debut as a director with this beautiful documentary set in New Zealand's rugged Ruahine Mountains. The Karena family doesn't have any material wealth to boast about but they have a unique life style with their six beautiful kids and wild horses close to the nature that's as far from materialistic world you can get including TV, computers and games. While the parents suffer from the pressures of family and the society, the kids live an happy existence close to the nature and each other including horse riding on daily basis that would be the envy of many families. Burstyn chose the right family and story to tell which shows what we have lost in these days, a direct connection with nature. YRCinema's coverage of upcoming releases.


SumnerBurstyn said...

hey thanks - lovely review. We made the film with no money, one camera, one tripod, one microphone and just the two of us - Tom and Sumner - so if we go from Oscar short-listed to nominated it will be totally amazing. Perhaps the lowest budget doc ever to go all the way - fingers crossed.
Sumner Burstyn

Anonymous said...

The truth behind this family in this doco is that the parents no longer live together, and Peter was receiving a benefit from the government while this was being shot,, not living off the land! He has problems with violence, he has at least one restraining order against him. The whole story was not told here, just some convenient moments strung together to paint a false picture.

1001 Films said...

As a filmmaker you tell a story that needs to be told. Whether the couple is together or not or Peter is violent or not that's not the story of this film. The moments captured are truthful even if it's a brief moment in time. It would impossible for a film to capture everything about life and naive to try to.

steve.aikenhead said...

negative remarks left anonymously carry such little weight- especially compared to the truths so clearly revealed by a good (in this case fabulous) film... a thoughtful viewer can only wonder, sadly, at the bleakness of the 'axegrinders'

1001 Films said...

Here's more info about the film for those interested in the making of it:


Y. Karena said...

@ Admin. Can you remove the Anoymous comment please? There's always one bad apple in the bunch isn't there. Nothing said in that post was relevant or true. Fantastic movie, good luck with the oscars.