Thursday, December 19, 2013

Which Way Is the Front Line from Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington

Journalist Sebastian Junger never thought his second film would be about his friend Tim Hetherington with whom he experienced and made their feature debut, "Restrepo." The life of Tim Hetherington is explored which was ended tragically when he was in Libya after surviving wars in Afghanistan and Liberia amongst other war torn countries. It's a heartbreaking film about a young man who found his calling in photography which lead him to war journalism far from home. It's fascinating tale why many Westerners leave their privileged lives to seek their destiny in dangerous places that the natives want to escape. I met Tim briefly after the screening of Restropo and had a brief chat which was interesting because being from opposite worlds and our paths intersected. 1001 Films' coverage of current releases. 

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